Hi! I’m Tom
I’m a master miller, a baker and Kiekebich is my project.
Kiekebich is not a conventional bakery. More than a place where bread is made and sold, it’s a tool to transmit my own vision of breadmaking, an opportunity to teach traditional skills and to share my passion for good bread.
In 2014, I discovered a 13th century watermill in Sint-Gertrudis-Pede (Dilbeek, next to Brussels). I got to know the people and fell in love with the traditional process of milling and baking bread in a wood-fired oven. I decided to get a « master miller » degree and started volunteering at the Pedemolen (still do) to learn and transmit everything about flour milling and baking in a wood-fired oven.
In 2015, I left my career in the music business and went all in for my passion. I started working for like-minded bakers to learn all about traditional breadmaking and baking techniques.
Slowly the itch to start proposing my own interpretation of baking good, healthy, nourishing and fair bread for the people around me became irresistible.
That’s how Kiekebich was born.
Viene de un agricultor local
Harinas ecológicas, harinas especiales
Los otros ingredientes utilizados son: multiples
Ingredientes provenientes de un agricultor local, ingredientes provenientes de un proveedor de fuera de la UE
Ingredientes ecológicos, Ingredientes locales (- 250 km), denominación de origen, proviene de producción artesanal
Levadura natural, levadura de panadería, proceso de prefermentación
Horno eléctrico
Kiekebich c'est le projet de Tom De Vuyst, artisan boulanger et meunier bruxellois. Il propose du pain artisanal (principalement au levain) à base de farines bio et locales moulues dans des moulins artisanaux. Tous les ingrédients utilisés sont des produits naturels, bio, de la meilleure qualité, et locaux dans la mesure du possible.